Joseph Z reveals the truth behind paranormal activities in today’s prophetic live broadcast. He cites the Book of 2 Peter 3:11 to explain that we can hasten our Lord Jesus's coming by living godly. He also leads us to the Book of Mathew 24:15-20 to establish how prayer can change certain situations and hasten or alter timelines. He insists we can alter some narratives today through holy conduct, prayer, intercession, and alignment with the right people. Learn more about Z Ministries by following the link below: Moreso, he warns that paranormal activities and witchcraft seek to assert themselves in the natural, to propagate a false identity of what religion is; warning that we will begin to see things we’ve never seen in our lifetime. However, he assures us that the Lord has raised a standard against it, through His Church. Joseph further asserts that demons have no power, except the ones we allow them access to. He assures us that Christ has paid in full the debts due to our sins, thus, we must stand boldly to confront the evil age without fear of the devil’s accusation or condemnation. Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 04:20 Matthew 24:15-20 08:12 Alter Things through Prayer 08:30 Align with the Right People 12:21 A Tear in the Fabric 19:18 Pushing Back Darkness 20:47 Conclusion October 31, 2024 #josephz #zministries #prophecylive #prophecy #timealtering #paranormalentities #dealingwithdemons #news